Back to Japanese

Probably the nerdiest and greatest game came out recently:


Now I can learn more Japanese AND play videogames?!  I think I died and went to heaven.  I like this game because the first thing you do is a placement test, so that if you know a few words and phrases, the game will start you on a higher level lesson, which I think is genius!  And you also get to learn to write Japanese as well.  It takes about a half hour to do a lesson, and then maybe another half hour of games to gain points for the next lesson.  Once you get enough points in the games section (which are things like writing in Japanese, multiple choice, word searches) you have mastered about ten or so words.  I’m not sure how many levels there are, but so far it’s looking like I’ll have a good grasp on Japanese by the time I finish!

I’ve read some reviews online, and this game seems to hold steady in that no one has mentioned that it has wrong translations. The only thing I’ve read is that the order of strokes of the hiragana is sometimes out of order, which is not great.  But it’s not like I would try and learn Japanese simply from this game anyway.

Overall I think this will remain a pretty cool game to keep me up on my Japanese.  Super sweet!

3 Responses to “Back to Japanese”

  1. 1 Nevis October 28, 2008 at 7:16 am

    A video game that teaches you something? I dunno…what is the fun in that? 😉

  2. 2 lex October 28, 2008 at 9:39 am

    That is pretty cool!
    I need to find one for my french :p

    There is a new wii game that teaches you music too..

  3. 3 sjconnor October 30, 2008 at 8:53 pm

    You know/speak/read Japanese? Oh, with envy am I filled much over the edge of my sake cup! Really!

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